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On Site - In Person - Virtual Sessions

Therapeutic Horticulture is a practice that uses plants, horticultural activities, and the garden landscape to promote well-being for its participants. There is growing research on the physical, mental & emotional health benefits of engaging people in garden and nature activities.

     Who We Help

  •  Everyone!

  •  Seniors

  • Autism, Learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD

  • Alzheimer’s Disease/other Dementias

    • End of life, palliative care

    • Developmental or physical disabilities

    • Mental Health, mental illnesses, anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD

    • Veterans

    • Cancer or other illnesses

    • Chronic pain

    • Corrections

    • Addictions

    • Loss, death, grief, divorce

    • Fears and phobias

    • Sleep disorders and sleep problems

    • LGBTQ+ community

    • TBI, Brain injury/strokes


       Why It Works

  • ​ Reduces stress & anxiety

  •  Supports cardiovascular health

  •  Protects and preserves mental health

  •  Boosts the absorption and retention of Vitamin D

  • Increases social connections

  •  Helps to maintain a sense of purpose and worth

  •  Aids in the development of positive coping strategies

  • Where it takes place

  • Long-term care homes

  • Retirement homes

  • Community gardens

  • Schools

  • Community centers

  • Private homes

  • Hospice

  • Assisted living facilities

  • Correctional facilities, halfway houses

        How We Teach

  • In-Person 

  • On Site

  • Online

  • Sessions are available for individuals or groups:

  • Costs range from $35 - $85 per person

  • Group and package discounts available

  • Additional travel charges may apply for onsite work

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